What is the best practice to handle a data-base-connection-pool in Iced.rs?

I am building an ‘iced+sqlx’-app, which needs connections to a postgres db. Normally I would create a connection in main and pass it along as an argument to helper sql functions.

async fn main() -> Result<(), IcedError> {
    // we need to activate the db pool
    let pool = PgPool::connect("postgres://alex:1234@localhost/kedoiced")
    iced::application("Experiment", Keto::update, Keto::view)

But I see no way to pass it along to the iced application?

The only solution I see now is to create a separate connection to the database in each async helper function, which handles sql. And just call it from Task::perform(… ).

 pub async fn save(&self) -> Result<uuid::Uuid, anyhow::Error> {
        let pool = PgPool::connect("postgres://alex:1234@localhost/ketoiced")
        let rec = sqlx::query!(
INSERT INTO "macro_food"(name, protein, carbohydrates, fat, weight, kcalories)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)
RETURNING macro_id

Is this the only way?

I would appreciate any help in this regard. I am still learning Rust/Iced/… but I can’t find any documentation specific to this.

Try storing it in your state, wrapped in an Arc.

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On my app, I use iced::application(...).run_with(App::new) and the task in the tupple execute a function

fn new() -> (Self, Task<Message>) {
            Self {
                pool: None,
            Task::perform(database::connect(), Message::Loaded),

pub async fn connect() -> Result<PgPool, Error> { ... }

fn update(&mut self, message: Message) -> Task<Message> {
        match message {
            Message::Loaded(Ok(pool)) => {
                self.pool = Some(pool);
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Right, but the type of your App.pool field should be Option<Arc<PgPool>> instead of Option<PgPool>. That way, you can share references of the same pool to every async task, keeping in mind that reference-counted references are not completely equal to normal shares.

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Thank you @mytdragon ! Will try immediately:).