I want to send a message each time my widget is created, moved, resized etc. The message needs to contain some id or string for the widget, and a rectangle of the new bounds.
How can i send a message from the layout or draw method? Is there a better widget function to use for this kind of thing?
I figure this is the best way to work around the issue i posted here:
Also a side note ive just noticed:
i’ve been using advanced renderer, for example: Renderer: 'a + iced::advanced::Renderer + iced::advanced::text::Renderer,
Should i be using core? Renderer: 'a + iced_core::Renderer + iced_core::text::Renderer,
I guess the next release is somewhere in the future, when the roadmap comes to version 0.14.
If I would need such a widget, I would just use the master branch until the next release is comes out and not wait for it.