How to position and handle child widget events

I am trying to implement a custom widget that can take other widgets as children. I am mostly following this guide but I have ran into a couple of issues.

Issue #1 is that when I pass a standard iced button into my custom widget it no longer seems to be emitting messages. The button works just fine when I don’t wrap it in my custom widget. So I am probably doing something wrong, but I am not sure what.

Issue #2 is positioning. I want to align the child widgets to the right hand side of my custom widget (the custom widget is a custom titlebar, so I want the decorations on the right side). Again, I am assuming I am doing something wrong because so far any attempt to use align or move_to on the child node has resulted in the child widget not being where I expected it, or not in the window at all.

Widget Code:

pub struct TitleBar<'a, Message, Renderer> {
    padding: f32,
    close_button: Option<Element<'a, Message, Theme, Renderer>>,

impl<'a, Message, Renderer> TitleBar<'a, Message, Renderer>
        Renderer: iced::advanced::Renderer,
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            padding: 4.0,
            close_button: None,

    pub fn padding(mut self, padding: f32) -> Self {
        self.padding = padding;

    pub fn with_close_button(mut self, close_button: Element<'a, Message, Theme, Renderer>) -> Self {
        self.close_button = Some(close_button);

impl<'a, Message, Renderer> Widget<Message, Theme, Renderer> for TitleBar<'a, Message, Renderer>
        Renderer: iced::advanced::Renderer,
    fn size(&self) -> Size<Length> {
        Size {
            width: Length::Fill,
            height: Length::Shrink,

    fn children(&self) -> Vec<Tree> {
        if self.close_button.is_some() {
        } else {


    fn diff(&self, tree: &mut Tree) {
        if self.close_button.is_some() {

    fn layout(
        tree: &mut Tree,
        renderer: &Renderer,
        limits: &layout::Limits,
    ) -> layout::Node {
        match &self.close_button {
            None => {
                layout::Node::new([limits.max().width, self.padding as f32].into())
            Some(close) => {
                let mut close_node =
                    .layout(&mut tree.children[0], renderer, limits);

                let close_node_size = close_node.size().clone();
                close_node = close_node.move_to(iced::Point::new(limits.max().width - close_node_size.width - self.padding, self.padding));

                let mut size_of_node = close_node.size().expand(Size::new(0.0, 4.0));
                size_of_node.width = limits.max().width;

                close_node = close_node.align(Alignment::Center, Alignment::Center, size_of_node);

                layout::Node::with_children(size_of_node, vec![close_node])

    fn draw(
        state: &Tree,
        renderer: &mut Renderer,
        theme: &Theme,
        style: &renderer::Style,
        layout: Layout<'_>,
        cursor: mouse::Cursor,
        viewport: &Rectangle,
    ) {
            Quad {
                bounds: layout.bounds(),
                border: Border {
                    color: Color::from_rgb(0.6, 0.93, 1.0),
                    width: 0.0,
                    radius: 0.0.into(),
                shadow: Shadow::default(),
            Color::from_rgb(0.0, 0.33, 0.4),

        if self.close_button.is_some() {

impl<'a, Message, Renderer> From<TitleBar<'a, Message, Renderer>> for Element<'a, Message, Theme, Renderer>
        Message:  'a,
        Renderer: 'a + iced::advanced::Renderer,
    fn from(widget: TitleBar<'a, Message, Renderer>) -> Self {

And Application code:

impl Application for Editor {
    type Executor = iced::executor::Default;
    type Message = EditorMessage;
    type Theme = iced::Theme;
    type Flags = ();

    fn new(_flags: Self::Flags) -> (Self, Command<Self::Message>) {
        (Self{}, Command::none())

    fn title(&self) -> String {

    fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> Command<Self::Message> {
        match message {
            EditorMessage::Close => {
            _ => {


    fn view(&self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message, Self::Theme, Renderer> {



Any help would be appreciated

Update: Manged to get the child events working. I didn’t realise that from on_event of the custom widget I needed to call on_event for the child widget. Not super certain what to do when I have multiple child widgets, but it’s a starting point