Hi, I’d like to open a web page inside iced app, any way to do this please? I didn’t find something like WebView widget.
I found this crate , web-view - crates.io: Rust Package Registry, I will try it first.
The document of web-view - crates.io: Rust Package Registry is not clear, I just want to open a url with inside iced app. it seems this crate is to develop hybrid app.
What you want is far from simple. There is currerntly no implementation for embedding a web browser into iced.
You probably need to develop that by yourself.
Haha, 10 years complex feature for me.
Maybe it is worth to try this one, tauri-apps/wry: Cross-platform WebView library in Rust for Tauri. (github.com).
Did you had any success?
I have not tried it, but I believe it is worth trying the tauri-apps/wry crate